
The world-leading National Geotechnical Centrifuge Facility (NGCF) at UWA has been instrumental for over 30 years in advancing understanding of a wide range of offshore soil-structure interaction and soil behaviour problems.
These advancements have contributed to global offshore geotechnical design, serving both the academic and industry geotechnical engineering communities.
For more info contact Prof. Conleth O’Loughlin, NGCF Director.

The Coastal and Offshore Research Laboratory (CORL) supports both offshore and coastal engineering research and industry-led projects from the surface to the seabed.
The COFS team have been using CORL over many years to investigate problems where scour and sediment mobility and/or hydrodynamic loading are a key aspect of the system response.
For more info contact Prof. Scott Draper, COEL Director.

COFS undertakes field testing at four geotechnical test sites – a lightly overconsolidated soft clay site along the banks of the Swan River, a medium-dense siliceous sand site on the UWA campus, a mixed sediment site in the Swan River and a a variably cemented carbonate site one hour north of UWA. Data from these test sites complements testing undertaken in our laboratory, provides opportunities to test at larger scales and in more complex and variable soils.

We undertake computationally intensive numerical analyses using Setonix, a state-of-the-art supercomputer housed at Pawsey Centre. The Setonix supercomputer is a hybrid system of central processing units and graphics processing units that form the most powerful public research supercomputer in the Southern Hemisphere.